

FRAY ventures to the frontier of hip hop dance theater with a story about the unraveling brotherly bond between Tullio and Ziya as Ziya is lured into a spellbinding virtual world by Lucious, an AI character he's created for a video game contest. The contest calls for building a great puzzle game, but as Ziya's growing illusion blurs his line between what's real and what's virtual, Tullio is drawn into a real-life quandary in which reconnecting the frayed fabric of their relationship means confronting the reality that people are the greatest puzzles of all. FRAY weaves a vivid tapestry of music, hip hop dance, and large screen visuals as Tullio and Ziya struggle with what it means to love a brother, and with the very nature of what it means to be human.

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FRAY ventures to the frontier of hip hop dance theater with a story about the unraveling brotherly bond between Tullio and Ziya as Ziya is lured into a spellbinding virtual world by Lucious, an AI character he's created for a video game contest. The contest calls for building a great puzzle game, but as Ziya's growing illusion blurs his line between what's real and what's virtual, Tullio is drawn into a real-life quandary in which reconnecting the frayed fabric of their relationship means confronting the reality that people are the greatest puzzles of all. FRAY weaves a vivid tapestry of music, hip hop dance, and large screen visuals as Tullio and Ziya struggle with what it means to love a brother, and with the very nature of what it means to be human.

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FRAY Shows - London
to Jul 26

FRAY Shows - London


The FRAY Live Show fuses world class hip hop dance, music and immersive visuals in an inventive and invigorating performance that follows two deeply bonded brothers who are torn between their competing passions for dancing and for the alluring pull of adventure and discovery they find together inside video games, as perilous real-life influences cause their bond to fray.

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FRAY Shows - San Francisco
to Mar 24

FRAY Shows - San Francisco


The FRAY Live Show fuses world class hip hop dance, music and immersive visuals in an inventive and invigorating performance that follows two deeply bonded brothers who are torn between their competing passions for dancing and for the alluring pull of adventure and discovery they find together inside video games, as perilous real-life influences cause their bond to fray.

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